Source code for boario.simulation

# BoARIO : The Adaptative Regional Input Output model in python.
# Copyright (C) 2022  Samuel Juhel
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Simulation module

This module defines the Simulation object, which represent a BoARIO simulation environment.


from __future__ import annotations

import json
import logging
import math
import pathlib
import tempfile
from pprint import pformat
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import progressbar

from boario import DEBUGFORMATTER, logger
from boario.event import (
from boario.extended_models import ARIOPsiModel
from boario.model_base import ARIOBaseModel
from boario.utils.misc import CustomNumpyEncoder, TempMemmap, print_summary, sizeof_fmt

__all__ = ["Simulation"]

[docs] class Simulation: """Defines a simulation object with a set of parameters and an IOSystem. This class wraps a :class:`~boario.model_base.ARIOBaseModel` or descendant, and create the context for simulations using this model. It stores execution parameters as well as events perturbing the model. """ __possible_records = [ "production_realised", "production_capacity", "final_demand", "intermediate_demand", "rebuild_demand", "overproduction", "final_demand_unmet", "rebuild_prod", "inputs_stocks", "limiting_inputs", "productive_capital_to_recover", ] __file_save_array_specs = { "production_realised": ( "float64", "_production_evolution", "industries", np.nan, ), "production_capacity": ( "float64", "_production_cap_evolution", "industries", np.nan, ), "final_demand": ("float64", "_final_demand_evolution", "industries", np.nan), "intermediate_demand": ( "float64", "_io_demand_evolution", "industries", np.nan, ), "rebuild_demand": ( "float64", "_rebuild_demand_evolution", "industries", np.nan, ), "overproduction": ( "float64", "_overproduction_evolution", "industries", np.nan, ), "final_demand_unmet": ( "float64", "_final_demand_unmet_evolution", "industries", np.nan, ), "rebuild_prod": ( "float64", "_rebuild_production_evolution", "industries", np.nan, ), "inputs_stocks": ("float64", "_inputs_evolution", "stocks", np.nan), "limiting_inputs": ("byte", "_limiting_inputs_evolution", "stocks", -1), "productive_capital_to_recover": ( "float64", "_regional_sectoral_productive_capital_destroyed_evolution", "industries", np.nan, ), } def __init__( self, model: Union[ARIOBaseModel, ARIOPsiModel], register_stocks: bool = False, n_temporal_units_to_sim: int = 365, events_list: Optional[list[Event]] = None, separate_sims: bool = False, save_events: bool = False, save_params: bool = False, save_index: bool = False, save_records: list | str = [], boario_output_dir: str | pathlib.Path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="boario"), results_dir_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """A Simulation instance can be initialized with the following parameters: Parameters ---------- model : Union[ARIOBaseModel, ARIOPsiModel, ARIOClimadaModel] The model to run the simulation with. register_stocks : bool, default False A boolean stating if stocks evolution should be registered in a file. Be aware that such arrays have timesteps*sectors*sectors*regions size which can rapidly lead to very large files. n_temporal_units_to_sim : int, default 365 The number of temporal units to simulates. events_list : list[Event], optional An optional list of events to run the simulation with [WIP]. separate_sims : bool, default False Whether to run each event separately or during the same simulation [WIP]. save_events: bool, default False If True, saves a json file of the list of events to simulate when starting the model loop. save_params: bool, default False If True, saves a json file of the parameters used when starting the model loop. save_index: bool, default False If True, saves a json file of the list of industries in the model when starting the model loop (convenience). save_records: list | str, default [] The list of simulation variable records to save in corresponding files. boario_output_dir : str | pathlib.Path An optional directory where to save files generated by the simulation. Defaults to a temporary directory prefixed by "boario". results_dir_name : str, default 'results' The name of the folder where simulation results will be stored. """ self.output_dir = pathlib.Path(boario_output_dir) """pathlib.Path, optional: Optional path to the directory where output are stored.""" self.results_storage = ( self.output_dir.resolve() if not results_dir_name else self.output_dir.resolve() / results_dir_name ) """str: Name of the folder in `output_dir` where the results will be stored if saved.""" if not self.results_storage.exists(): self.results_storage.mkdir(parents=True) tmp = logging.FileHandler(self.results_storage / "simulation.log") tmp.setLevel(logging.INFO) tmp.setFormatter(DEBUGFORMATTER) logger.addHandler(tmp) if events_list is None: events_list = []"Initializing new simulation instance") self._save_events = save_events self._save_params = save_params self._save_index = save_index self._register_stocks = register_stocks # Pre-init record variables self._production_evolution = np.array([]) self._production_cap_evolution = np.array([]) self._final_demand_evolution = np.array([]) self._io_demand_evolution = np.array([]) self._rebuild_demand_evolution = np.array([]) self._overproduction_evolution = np.array([]) self._final_demand_unmet_evolution = np.array([]) self._rebuild_production_evolution = np.array([]) self._inputs_evolution = np.array([]) self._limiting_inputs_evolution = np.array([]) self._regional_sectoral_productive_capital_destroyed_evolution = np.array([]) if save_records != [] or save_events or save_params or save_index: self.output_dir.resolve().mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if save_records != []: if not self.results_storage.exists(): self.results_storage.mkdir() self.model = model """Union[ARIOBaseModel, ARIOPsiModel] : The model to run the simulation with. See :class:`~boario.model_base.ARIOBaseModel`.""" self.all_events: list[Event] = events_list """list[Event]: A list containing all events associated with the simulation.""" self.currently_happening_events: list[Event] = [] """list[Event]: A list containing all events that are happening at the current timestep of the simulation.""" self.events_timings = set() if ( not isinstance(n_temporal_units_to_sim, (int, np.integer)) or n_temporal_units_to_sim <= 0 ): raise ValueError( f"n_temporal_units_to_sim should be a positive integer (got {n_temporal_units_to_sim} of type {type(n_temporal_units_to_sim)})" ) self.n_temporal_units_to_sim = n_temporal_units_to_sim """int: The total number of `temporal_units` to simulate.""" Event.temporal_unit_range = self.n_temporal_units_to_sim self.current_temporal_unit = 0 """int: Tracks the number of `temporal_units` elapsed since simulation start. This may differs from the number of `steps` if the parameter `n_temporal_units_by_step` differs from 1 temporal_unit as `current_temporal_unit` is actually `step` * `n_temporal_units_by_step`.""" self.equi = { (int(0), int(0), "production"): "equi", (int(0), int(0), "stocks"): "equi", (int(0), int(0), "rebuilding"): "equi", } self.n_temporal_units_simulated = 0 self._n_checks = 0 self._monotony_checker = 0 self.scheme = "proportional" self.has_crashed = False # RECORDS FILES self.records_storage: pathlib.Path = self.results_storage / "records" """pathlib.Path: Place where records are stored if stored""" self._vars_to_record = [] self._files_to_record = [] if save_records != []: if isinstance(save_records, str): if save_records == "all": save_records = self.__possible_records else: raise ValueError( f'save_records argument has to be either "all" or a sublist of {self.__possible_records}' ) impossible_records = set(save_records).difference( set(self.__possible_records) ) if not len(impossible_records) == 0: raise ValueError( f"{impossible_records} are not possible records ({self.__possible_records})" )"Will save {save_records} records")"Records storage is: {self.records_storage}") self.records_storage.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self._save_index = True self._save_events = True self._save_params = True self._init_records(save_records) self.params_dict = { "n_temporal_units_to_sim": self.n_temporal_units_to_sim, "output_dir": ( str(self.output_dir) if hasattr(self, "output_dir") else "none" ), "results_storage": ( self.results_storage.stem if hasattr(self, "results_storage") else "none" ), "model_type": self.model.__class__.__name__, "psi_param": ( self.model.psi if isinstance(self.model, ARIOPsiModel) else None ), "order_type": self.model.order_type, "n_temporal_units_by_step": self.model.n_temporal_units_by_step, "year_to_temporal_unit_factor": self.model.iotable_year_to_temporal_unit_factor, "inventory_restoration_tau": ( list(np.reciprocal(self.model.restoration_tau)) if isinstance(self.model, ARIOPsiModel) else None ), "alpha_base": self.model.overprod_base, "alpha_max": self.model.overprod_max, "alpha_tau": self.model.overprod_tau * self.model.iotable_year_to_temporal_unit_factor, "rebuild_tau": self.model.rebuild_tau, } """dict: A dictionary saving the parameters the simulation was run with.""""Initialized !") formatted_params_dict = { key: print_summary(value) if key == "inventory_restoration_tau" else value for key, value in self.params_dict.items() } f"Simulation parameters:\n{pformat(formatted_params_dict, compact=True)}" )
[docs] def loop(self, progress: bool = True): r"""Launch the simulation loop. This method launch the simulation for the number of steps to simulate described by the attribute ``self.n_temporal_units_to_sim``, calling the :meth:`next_step` method. For convenience, it dumps the parameters used in the logs just before running the loop. Once the loop is completed, it flushes the different memmaps generated. Parameters ---------- progress: bool, default: True If True, shows a progress bar of the loop in the console. """ f"Starting model loop for at most {self.n_temporal_units_to_sim // self.model.n_temporal_units_by_step + 1} steps" ) f"One step is {self.model.n_temporal_units_by_step}/{self.model.iotable_year_to_temporal_unit_factor} of a year" )"Events : {self.all_events}") run_range = range( 0, self.n_temporal_units_to_sim, math.floor(self.model.n_temporal_units_by_step), ) if self._save_events: (pathlib.Path(self.results_storage) / "jsons").mkdir( parents=True, exist_ok=True ) with ( pathlib.Path(self.results_storage) / "jsons" / "simulated_events.json" ).open("w") as ffile: event_dicts = [ev.event_dict for ev in self.all_events] json.dump(event_dicts, ffile, indent=4, cls=CustomNumpyEncoder) if progress: widgets = [ "Processed: ", progressbar.Counter("Step: %(value)d"), " ~ ", progressbar.Percentage(), " ", progressbar.ETA(), ] bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, redirect_stdout=True) for _ in bar(run_range): step_res = self.next_step() self.n_temporal_units_simulated = self.current_temporal_unit if step_res == 1: self.has_crashed = True logger.warning( f"""Economy seems to have crashed. - At step : {self.current_temporal_unit} """ ) break elif self._monotony_checker > 3: logger.warning( f"""Economy seems to have found an equilibrium - At step : {self.current_temporal_unit} """ ) bar.finish() else: for _ in run_range: step_res = self.next_step() self.n_temporal_units_simulated = self.current_temporal_unit if step_res == 1: self.has_crashed = True logger.warning( f"""Economy or model seems to have crashed. - At step : {self.current_temporal_unit} """ ) break elif self._monotony_checker > 3: logger.warning( f"""Economy seems to have found an equilibrium - At step : {self.current_temporal_unit} """ ) break if self._files_to_record: self._flush_memmaps() if self._save_index: self.model.write_index(self.results_storage / "jsons" / "indexes.json") self.params_dict["n_temporal_units_simulated"] = self.n_temporal_units_simulated self.params_dict["has_crashed"] = self.has_crashed if self._save_params: with ( pathlib.Path(self.results_storage) / "jsons" / "simulated_params.json" ).open("w") as ffile: json.dump(self.params_dict, ffile, indent=4, cls=CustomNumpyEncoder) with ( pathlib.Path(self.results_storage) / "jsons" / "equilibrium_checks.json" ).open("w") as ffile: json.dump( {str(k): v for k, v in self.equi.items()}, ffile, indent=4, cls=CustomNumpyEncoder, ) if self.has_crashed:"Loop crashed before completion.") else:"Loop complete")
[docs] def next_step( self, check_period: int = 182, min_steps_check: Optional[int] = None, min_failing_regions: Optional[int] = None, ): """Advance the model to the next temporal step. This method wraps all computation required to advance to the next step of the simulation. First it checks if an event is planned to occur at the current step and if so, shocks the model with the corresponding event. Then: 0) If at least one step elapsed, it computes the new overproduction vector for the next step (using :meth:`~boario.model_base.ARIOBaseModel.calc_overproduction`) 1) Computes production for the current step. (See :meth:`~boario.model_base.ARIOBaseModel.calc_production`) 2) Distribute the `realised` production towards the different demands (intermediate, final, rebuilding) and compute the changes in the inputs stock matrix (see :meth:`~boario.model_base.ARIOBaseModel.distribute_production`) Note that it is during this step that the model checks if an event is completely rebuild/recovered and removes it from the list the case being. 3) Computes the orders matrix (i.e. the intermediate demand) for the next step (see :meth:`~boario.model_base.ARIOBaseModel.calc_orders`) Additionally, once every `check_period` steps elapsed, it checks for crash or equilibrium of the economy (see :meth:`~boario.simulation.check_equilibrium`). Parameters ---------- check_period : int The time period in number of temporal units to wait between each "crash/equilibrium" check. min_steps_check : Optional[int] The minimum wait before the first check. min_failing_regions : Optional[int] The minimum number of failing regions required to consider economy has crashed. """ try: if min_steps_check is None: min_steps_check = self.n_temporal_units_to_sim // 5 if min_failing_regions is None: min_failing_regions = self.model.n_regions * self.model.n_sectors // 3 # Check if there are new events to add, # if some happening events can start rebuilding (if rebuildable), # and updates the internal model production_cap decrease and rebuild_demand self._check_happening_events() if ("_inputs_evolution" in self._files_to_record) or ( "_inputs_evolution" in self._vars_to_record ): self._write_stocks() # 0) if self.current_temporal_unit > 1: self.model.calc_overproduction() if ("_overproduction_evolution" in self._files_to_record) or ( "_overproduction_evolution" in self._files_to_record ): self._write_overproduction() if ("_rebuild_demand_evolution" in self._files_to_record) or ( "_rebuild_demand_evolution" in self._vars_to_record ): self._write_rebuild_demand() if ("_final_demand_evolution" in self._files_to_record) or ( "_final_demand_evolution" in self._vars_to_record ): self._write_final_demand() if ("_io_demand_evolution" in self._files_to_record) or ( "_io_demand_evolution" in self._vars_to_record ): self._write_io_demand() # 1) constraints = self.model.calc_production(self.current_temporal_unit) if ("_limiting_inputs_evolution" in self._files_to_record) or ( "_limiting_inputs_evolution" in self._vars_to_record ): self._write_limiting_stocks(constraints) if ("_production_evolution" in self._files_to_record) or ( "_production_evolution" in self._vars_to_record ): self._write_production() if ("_production_cap_evolution" in self._files_to_record) or ( "_production_cap_evolution" in self._vars_to_record ): self._write_production_max() if ( "_regional_sectoral_productive_capital_destroyed_evolution" in self._files_to_record ) or ( "_regional_sectoral_productive_capital_destroyed_evolution" in self._vars_to_record ): self._write_productive_capital_lost() # 2) try: rebuildable_events = [ ev for ev in self.currently_happening_events if isinstance(ev, EventKapitalRebuild) and ev.rebuildable ] events_to_remove = self.model.distribute_production( rebuildable_events, self.scheme ) if ("_final_demand_unmet_evolution" in self._files_to_record) or ( "_final_demand_unmet_evolution" in self._vars_to_record ): self._write_final_demand_unmet() if ("_rebuild_production_evolution" in self._files_to_record) or ( "_rebuild_production_evolution" in self._vars_to_record ): self._write_rebuild_prod() except RuntimeError: logger.exception("An exception happened: ") self.model.matrix_stock.dump( self.results_storage / "matrix_stock_dump.pkl" ) logger.error( f"Negative values in the stocks, matrix has been dumped in the results dir : \n {self.results_storage / 'matrix_stock_dump.pkl'}" ) return 1 events_to_remove = events_to_remove + [ ev for ev in self.currently_happening_events if ev.over ] if events_to_remove: self.currently_happening_events = [ e for e in self.currently_happening_events if e not in events_to_remove ] for evnt in events_to_remove: if isinstance(evnt, EventKapitalDestroyed): f"""Temporal_Unit : {self.current_temporal_unit} ~ Event named {} that occured at {evnt.occurrence} in {evnt.aff_regions.to_list()} for {evnt.total_productive_capital_destroyed} damages is completely rebuilt/recovered""" ) self.model.calc_orders() n_checks = self.current_temporal_unit // check_period if n_checks > self._n_checks: self.check_equilibrium(n_checks) self._n_checks += 1 self.current_temporal_unit += self.model.n_temporal_units_by_step return 0 except Exception: logger.exception("The following exception happened:") return 1
[docs] def check_equilibrium(self, n_checks: int): """Checks the status of production, stocks and rebuilding demand. This methods checks and store the status of production, inputs stocks and rebuilding demand and store the information in ``self.equi``. At the moment, the following status are implemented: - `production` and `stocks` can be `greater` (ie all industries are producing more), `equi` (ie all industries produce almost the same as at initial equilibrium (0.01 atol)), `not equi` (ie neither of the previous case) - `rebuilding demand` can be `finished` or `not finished` depending if some events still have some rebuilding demand unanswered or if all are completely rebuilt. Parameters ---------- n_checks : int The number of checks counter. """ if np.greater_equal(self.model.production, self.model.X_0).all(): self.equi[(n_checks, self.current_temporal_unit, "production")] = "greater" elif np.allclose(self.model.production, self.model.X_0, atol=0.01): self.equi[(n_checks, self.current_temporal_unit, "production")] = "equi" else: self.equi[(n_checks, self.current_temporal_unit, "production")] = "not equi" if np.greater_equal(self.model.matrix_stock, self.model.matrix_stock_0).all(): self.equi[(n_checks, self.current_temporal_unit, "stocks")] = "greater" elif np.allclose(self.model.production, self.model.X_0, atol=0.01): self.equi[(n_checks, self.current_temporal_unit, "stocks")] = "equi" else: self.equi[(n_checks, self.current_temporal_unit, "stocks")] = "not equi" if ( self.model.tot_rebuild_demand is None or not self.model.tot_rebuild_demand.any() ): self.equi[(n_checks, self.current_temporal_unit, "rebuilding")] = "finished" else: self.equi[(n_checks, self.current_temporal_unit, "rebuilding")] = ( "not finished" )
[docs] def add_events(self, events: list[Event]): """Add a list of events to the simulation. Parameters ---------- events : list[Event] The events to add. """ if not isinstance(events, list): raise TypeError(f"list[Event] expected, {type(events)} received.") for ev in events: self.add_event(ev)
[docs] def add_event(self, ev: Event): """Add an event to the simulation. Parameters ---------- ev : Event The event to add. """ if not isinstance(ev, Event): raise ValueError(f"Event expected, {type(ev)} received.") self.all_events.append(ev) self.events_timings.add(ev.occurrence)
[docs] def reset_sim_with_same_events(self): """Resets the model to its initial status (without removing the events). [WIP]""""Resetting model to initial status (with same events)") self.current_temporal_unit = 0 self._monotony_checker = 0 self._n_checks = 0 self.n_temporal_units_simulated = 0 self.has_crashed = False self.equi = { (int(0), int(0), "production"): "equi", (int(0), int(0), "stocks"): "equi", (int(0), int(0), "rebuilding"): "equi", } self._reset_records() self.model.reset_module()
[docs] def reset_sim_full(self): """Resets the model to its initial status and remove all events.""" self.reset_sim_with_same_events()"Resetting events") self.all_events = [] self.currently_happening_events = [] self.events_timings = set()
[docs] def write_index(self, index_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path]): """Write the index of the dataframes used in the model in a json file. See :meth:`~boario.model_base.ARIOBaseModel.write_index` for a more detailed documentation. Parameters ---------- index_file : Union[str, pathlib.Path] name of the file to save the indexes to. """ self.model.write_index(index_file)
def _check_happening_events(self) -> None: """Updates the status of all events. Check the `all_events` attribute and `current_temporal_unit` and updates the events accordingly (ie if they happened, if they can start rebuild/recover) """ for evnt in self.all_events: if not evnt.happened: if ( (self.current_temporal_unit - self.model.n_temporal_units_by_step) <= evnt.occurrence <= self.current_temporal_unit ): f"Temporal_Unit : {self.current_temporal_unit} ~ Shocking model with new event" )"Affected regions are : {evnt.aff_regions.to_list()}") evnt.happened = True self.currently_happening_events.append(evnt) for evnt in self.currently_happening_events: if isinstance(evnt, EventKapitalRebuild): evnt.rebuildable = self.current_temporal_unit if isinstance(evnt, (EventKapitalRecover, EventArbitraryProd)): evnt.recoverable = self.current_temporal_unit if evnt.recoverable: evnt.recovery(self.current_temporal_unit) self.model.update_system_from_events(self.currently_happening_events) def _write_production(self) -> None: """Saves the current production vector to the memmap.""" self._production_evolution[self.current_temporal_unit] = self.model.production def _write_rebuild_prod(self) -> None: """Saves the current rebuilding production vector to the memmap.""" logger.debug( f"self._rebuild_production_evolution shape : {self._rebuild_production_evolution.shape}, self.model.rebuild_prod shape : {self.model.rebuild_prod.shape}" ) self._rebuild_production_evolution[self.current_temporal_unit] = ( self.model.rebuild_prod ) def _write_productive_capital_lost(self) -> None: """Saves the current remaining productive_capital to rebuild vector to the memmap.""" self._regional_sectoral_productive_capital_destroyed_evolution[ self.current_temporal_unit ] = self.model.productive_capital_lost def _write_production_max(self) -> None: """Saves the current production capacity vector to the memmap.""" self._production_cap_evolution[self.current_temporal_unit] = ( self.model.production_cap ) def _write_io_demand(self) -> None: """Saves the current (total per industry) intermediate demand vector to the memmap.""" self._io_demand_evolution[self.current_temporal_unit] = ( self.model.matrix_orders.sum(axis=1) ) def _write_final_demand(self) -> None: """Saves the current (total per industry) final demand vector to the memmap.""" self._final_demand_evolution[self.current_temporal_unit] = ( self.model.final_demand.sum(axis=1) ) def _write_rebuild_demand(self) -> None: """Saves the current (total per industry) rebuilding demand vector to the memmap.""" to_write = np.full(self.model.n_regions * self.model.n_sectors, 0.0) if len(r_dem := self.model.tot_rebuild_demand) > 0: self._rebuild_demand_evolution[self.current_temporal_unit] = r_dem # type: ignore else: self._rebuild_demand_evolution[self.current_temporal_unit] = to_write # type: ignore def _write_overproduction(self) -> None: """Saves the current overproduction vector to the memmap.""" self._overproduction_evolution[self.current_temporal_unit] = self.model.overprod def _write_final_demand_unmet(self) -> None: """Saves the unmet final demand (for this step) vector to the memmap.""" self._final_demand_unmet_evolution[self.current_temporal_unit] = ( self.model.final_demand_not_met ) def _write_stocks(self) -> None: """Saves the current inputs stock matrix to the memmap.""" self._inputs_evolution[self.current_temporal_unit] = self.model.matrix_stock def _write_limiting_stocks(self, limiting_stock: np.ndarray) -> None: """Saves the current limiting inputs matrix to the memmap.""" self._limiting_inputs_evolution[self.current_temporal_unit] = limiting_stock # type: ignore def _flush_memmaps(self) -> None: """Saves files to record""" for attr in self._files_to_record: if not hasattr(self, attr): raise RuntimeError( f"{attr} should be a member yet it isn't. This shouldn't happen." ) else: getattr(self, attr).flush() def _init_records(self, save_records): for rec in self.__possible_records: if rec == "inputs_stocks" and not self._register_stocks: logger.debug("Will not save inputs stocks") else: if rec == "inputs_stocks": f"Simulation will save inputs stocks. Estimated size is {sizeof_fmt(self.n_temporal_units_to_sim * self.model.n_sectors * self.model.n_sectors * self.model.n_regions * 64)}" ) save = rec in save_records filename = rec dtype, attr_name, shapev, fillv = self.__file_save_array_specs[rec] if shapev == "industries": shape = ( self.n_temporal_units_to_sim, self.model.n_sectors * self.model.n_regions, ) elif shapev == "stocks": shape = ( self.n_temporal_units_to_sim, self.model.n_sectors, self.model.n_sectors * self.model.n_regions, ) else: raise RuntimeError(f"shapev {shapev} unrecognised") if save: memmap_array = TempMemmap( filename=(self.records_storage / filename), dtype=dtype, mode="w+", shape=shape, save=save, ) self._files_to_record.append(attr_name) else: memmap_array = np.ndarray(shape=shape, dtype=dtype, order="C") self._vars_to_record.append(attr_name) memmap_array.fill(fillv) setattr(self, attr_name, memmap_array) def _reset_records( self, ): for rec in self.__possible_records: _, attr_name, _, fillv = self.__file_save_array_specs[rec] if rec == "input_stocks" and not self._register_stocks: pass else: memmap_array = getattr(self, attr_name) memmap_array.fill(fillv) setattr(self, attr_name, memmap_array) @property def production_realised(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return the evolution of the production realised by each industry (region,sector) Returns: pd.DataFrame: A pandas DataFrame where the value is the production realised, the columns are the industries and the index is the step considered. """ return pd.DataFrame( self._production_evolution,, copy=True, ).rename_axis("step") @property def production_capacity(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return the evolution of the production capacity of each industry (region,sector) Returns: pd.DataFrame: A pandas DataFrame where the value is the production capacity, the columns are the industries and the index is the step considered. """ return pd.DataFrame( self._production_cap_evolution,, copy=True, ).rename_axis("step") @property def final_demand(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return the evolution of final demand asked of each industry. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A pandas DataFrame where the value is the final demand asked, the columns are the industries and the index is the step considered. """ return pd.DataFrame( self._final_demand_evolution,, copy=True, ).rename_axis("step") @property def intermediate_demand(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return the evolution of intermediate demand asked of each industry (Total orders). Returns: pd.DataFrame: A pandas DataFrame where the value is the intermediate demand asked, the columns are the industries and the index is the step considered. """ return pd.DataFrame( self._io_demand_evolution,, copy=True, ).rename_axis("step") @property def rebuild_demand(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return the evolution of rebuild demand asked of each industry (Total orders). Returns: pd.DataFrame: A pandas DataFrame where the value is the rebuild demand asked, the columns are the industries and the index is the step considered. """ return pd.DataFrame( self._rebuild_demand_evolution,, copy=True, ).rename_axis("step") @property def overproduction(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return the evolution of the overproduction factor of each industry (region,sector) Returns: pd.DataFrame: A pandas DataFrame where the value is the overproduction factor, the columns are the industries and the index is the step considered. """ return pd.DataFrame( self._overproduction_evolution,, copy=True, ).rename_axis("step") @property def final_demand_unmet(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return the evolution of the final demand that could not be answered by industries. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A pandas DataFrame where the value is the final demand not met, the columns are the industries and the index is the step considered. """ return pd.DataFrame( self._final_demand_unmet_evolution,, copy=True, ).rename_axis("step") @property def rebuild_prod(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return the production allocated for the rebuilding demand by each industry (region,sector). Returns: pd.DataFrame: A pandas DataFrame where the value is the production allocated, the columns are the industries and the index is the step considered. """ return pd.DataFrame( self._rebuild_production_evolution,, copy=True, ).rename_axis("step") @property def inputs_stocks(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return the evolution of the inventory amount of each input for each industry (region,sector). Not this is not available if "record_stocks" is not set to True, as the DataFrame can be quite large for "classic" MRIOTs. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A pandas DataFrame where the value is the amount in inventory, the columns are the industries and the index are the step and input considered (MultiIndex). """ return pd.DataFrame( self._inputs_evolution.reshape( self.n_temporal_units_to_sim * self.model.n_sectors, -1 ),, copy=True, index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [list(range(self.n_temporal_units_to_sim)), self.model.sectors], names=["step", "input"], ), ) @property def limiting_inputs(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return the evolution of the inputs lacking for each industry (region,sector) Returns: pd.DataFrame: A pandas DataFrame where the value is a boolean set to 1 if considered input constrains production, the columns are the industries and the index are the step and input considered (MultiIndex). """ return pd.DataFrame( self._limiting_inputs_evolution.reshape( self.n_temporal_units_to_sim * self.model.n_sectors, -1 ),, copy=True, index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [list(range(self.n_temporal_units_to_sim)), self.model.sectors], names=["step", "input"], ), ) @property def productive_capital_to_recover(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return the evolution of remaining capital destroyed/to recover for each industry (region,sector) if it exists. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A pandas DataFrame where the value is the amount of capital (still) destroyed, the columns are the industries and the index is the step considered. """ return pd.DataFrame( self._regional_sectoral_productive_capital_destroyed_evolution,, copy=True, ).rename_axis("step")