
class EventArbitraryProd(*, impact, recovery_tau=1, recovery_function='linear', name=None, occurrence=1, duration=1)[source]#

Bases: Event

An EventArbitraryProd object holds an event with arbitrary impact on production capacity.

Such events can be used to represent temporary loss of production capacity in a completely exogenous way (e.g., loss of working hours from a heatwave).


This type of event suffers from a problem with the recovery and does not function properly at the moment.


For this type of event, the impact value represent the share of production capacity lost of an industry.


In addition to the base arguments of an Event, EventArbitraryProd requires a recovery_tau (1 step by default) and a recovery_function (linear by default).

See also

Tutorial How to define Events


__init__(*, impact[, recovery_tau, ...])

distribute_impact_industries(impact, ...[, ...])

from_scalar_regions_sectors(impact, *, ...)

Creates an Event from a scalar, a list of regions and a list of sectors affected.



The industries affected by the event.


The array of regions affected by the event


The array of affected sectors by the event


The duration of the event.


A pandas Series with all possible industries as index, holding the impact vector of the event.


The series specifying how damages are distributed among affected industries (regions,sectors)


The series specifying how damages are distributed among affected regions


The temporal unit of occurrence of the event.


The optional array storing arbitrary (as in not related to productive_capital destroyed) production capacity loss


The recovery function used for recovery (Callable)


The characteristic recovery duration after the event is over


An identifying name for the event (for convenience mostly)


Store relevant information about the event

property aff_industries#

The industries affected by the event.

property aff_regions#

The array of regions affected by the event

property aff_sectors#

The array of affected sectors by the event

property duration#

The duration of the event.

classmethod from_scalar_regions_sectors(impact, *, regions, sectors, impact_regional_distrib=None, impact_sectoral_distrib=None, occurrence=1, duration=1, name=None, **kwargs)#

Creates an Event from a scalar, a list of regions and a list of sectors affected.


The scalar impact.


The list of regions affected.


The list of sectors affected in each region.

impact_regional_distribOptional[npt.ArrayLike], optional

A vector of equal size to the list of regions affected, stating the share of the impact each industry should receive. Defaults to None.

impact_sectoral_distribOptional[Union[str, npt.ArrayLike]], optional


  • "gdp", the impact is then distributed using the gross value added of each sector as a weight.

  • A vector of equal size to the list of sectors affected, stating the share of the impact each industry should receive. Defaults to None.

occurrenceint, optional

The ordinal of occurrence of the event (requires to be > 0). Defaults to 1.

durationint, optional

The duration of the event (entire impact applied during this number of steps). Defaults to 1.

nameOptional[str], optional

A possible name for the event, for convenience. Defaults to None.


Keyword arguments Other keyword arguments to pass to the instantiate method (depends on the type of event)


An Event object or one of its subclass.


Raise if Impact is null, if len(regions) or len(sectors) < 1,

property impact#

A pandas Series with all possible industries as index, holding the impact vector of the event. The impact is defined for each sectors in each region.

property impact_industries_distrib#

The series specifying how damages are distributed among affected industries (regions,sectors)

property impact_regional_distrib#

The series specifying how damages are distributed among affected regions

property occurrence#

The temporal unit of occurrence of the event.


An identifying name for the event (for convenience mostly)


Store relevant information about the event

property recovery_tau#

The characteristic recovery duration after the event is over

property prod_cap_delta_arbitrary#

The optional array storing arbitrary (as in not related to productive_capital destroyed) production capacity loss

property recovery_function#

The recovery function used for recovery (Callable)